Social Media

Resident Evil 5 –
Created concepts, content and wrote copy for the world-wide social media campaign for the launch of Resident Evil 5. The above image appeared on the ARG site The user hovered the candle over “Kijuju scroll” to solve a cipher that would unlock the next video in an RE5 web-series.


Microsoft PowerPoint - Naruto_UltimateNinja_Online_R1.ppt
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm – Interactive Video
Created the concept, wrote, produced and provided creative direction on an interactive trailer where the user could choose-their-own-adventure and watch battle scenes play out from their choices.


Afro Samurai – Social Media Content
Created the concept, wrote, and provided creative direction on the Afro Samurai web-takeover above. Also created 360 concepts and copy, including social media content (VeriTalk and Sound Boards feautring Samuel L. Jackson).